Thursday, August 27, 2020

Why Am I the Mirror of Your Heart

August 27, 2020

Dear Subscriber:

Each week we examine a theme from a variety of points of view. The theme for this week is psychology.

I welcome comments on my poems at

A psychological poem about the mystery of empathy:

Why am I the mirror of your heart,
Reflecting without depth your deepest pain,
Revisiting your hell again, again,
As though you were a well-wrought work of art?
Why do I vicariously take part
In suffering you barely can sustain,
Witnessing your agony in vain,
Tracing chaos too profound to chart?
Each night obsessively I come to you,
Eager to devour your bitter fruit,
Uneasy through the doldrums of my day.
Watching is, alas, what I can do,
As though my gaze were contribution mute,
Sharing your unease in some small way.

© by Nicholas Gordon

To see this poem on my site, go to For more psychological poems, go to

This week’s theme: Psychology
August 24: To Know Another, One Must Be Insane
August 25: Tonight, There Are No Stars
August 26: Depression Comes with the Territory
August 27: Why Am I the Mirror of Your Heart

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