Sunday, August 2, 2020

Blessed Are Those Whose Joy Is to Give Joy

August 2, 2020

Dear Subscriber:

Each week we examine a theme from a variety of points of view. The theme for this week is service, in honor of Eid al-Adha, the Islamic Festival of Sacrifice, which this year is celebrated on July 31.

I welcome comments on my poems at .

A psychological poem about the motives of those who would serve others:

Blessed are those whose joy is to give joy,
Who would find pleasure in assuaging pain,
Whose love of life would cloud-bound spirits buoy

And be the gold that would base thoughts alloy,
The music that would silent souls sustain.
Blessed are those whose joy is to give joy,

Who would, in times of need, their hours employ
In cheerful labor for another’s gain,
Whose love of life would cloud-bound spirits buoy

And hearty sun black thunderheads destroy,
Giving flooded fields relief from rain.
Blessed are those whose joy is to give joy.

Yet some would denigrate such souls with coy
Hints of poor self-image and self-blame,
Saying they would cloud-bound spirits buoy

To buy their love. Such goodness is a ploy
To garner the self-love they seek in vain.
But can’t you feel the joy in giving joy
And bless the love of life that spirits buoy?

© by Nicholas Gordon

If you enjoyed this poem, please like, comment on, or share it so that it might be seen and enjoyed by others. To see this poem on my site, go to For more psychological poems, go to .

This week’s theme: Service
August 2: Blessed Are Those Whose Joy Is to Give Joy

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