Friday, April 26, 2019

Twenty-Five Remembers When the World

April 26, 2019

Dear Subscriber:

Each week we examine a theme from a variety of points of view. The theme for this week is the environment, in honor of Earth Day, which is celebrated on April 22, and Arbor Day, which is celebrated on April 26.

I welcome comments on my poems at .

A number poem about the harmony between humans and their environment before the domestication of plants and animals:

Twenty-five remembers when the world
Was not our slave, when rivers danced and sang
Entering their gauntlets, when grass and fire
Needed each other, and earth and flood. The choir
Then sang full throated, the food each season sprang
Yet thrashing to the feasts of those who served.

For thousands of millennia we lived
In harmony with those we ate, their spirits
Vested momently in flesh, their avid
Embers still in love with those who grieved.

© by Nicholas Gordon

If you enjoyed this poem, please like, comment on, or share it so that it might be seen and enjoyed by others. To see this poem on my site, go to For more poems about the environment, go to .

This week’s theme: The Environment
4/26: Twenty-Five Remembers When the World

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