Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Happy Graduation

May 16, 2013 #737

Dear Subscriber:

This week’s poem of the week is a graduation poem.

You can hear me read the poem and listen to the music for it at my site by going to


Nick Gordon

Happy graduation! For at last
A goal long sought has finally been achieved!
Praised be those who persevere, for they
Prepare the ground for gardens that will come,
Yielding fruit for many yet unborn!
Give back the gifts that else would bind you fast,
Returning to the wind what you've received.
A learner's not a storehouse but a way,
Doing what will ever be undone,
Undoing what was once so proudly worn.
All that you have labored for is past.
There is no longer knowledge long believed.
In truth, the truth is subject to decay,
Opening a world of wonders, one
Not cubbyholed or clipped, of mystery shorn.

© by Nicholas Gordon

See me read the poem at

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