Thursday, August 26, 2010

Poem of the Week

August 26, 2010 #596
Dear Subscriber:
This week’s poem of the week is a philosophical poem.
You can hear me read the poem and listen to the music for it at my site by going to and clicking on "Poem of the Week." 
You can post a comment on the poem or read other comments on it at
Nick Gordon
I know I cannot satisfy the sun
Nor earn the pleasures of a quiet day;
Spring is not a prize that I have won,
Nor am I here because I've had my say.
My thoughts are not the product of my wits,
Nor are my myths the product of my dreams;
I am a confluence of moments – bits
Of longing borne by cold and laughing streams.
Love also is a gift beyond deserving:
Large-eyed, nocturnal, armed with delicate paws;
Nudging shameless for affection, serving
Equally my need and its own laws.
Miraculously delivered, drunk with light,
I stagger towards the long-expected night.
© by Nicholas Gordon

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