Thursday, April 16, 2009

Poem of the Week

April 16, 2009 #528

Dear Subscriber:

This week’s poem of the week is a poem for Earth Day.

You can hear me read the poem and listen to the music for it at my site by going to and clicking on "Poem of the Week." You can also cast a vote for it to boost its popularity on Yahoo Buzz.

You can post a comment on the poem or read other comments on it at


Nick Gordon

Each of us is like one drop of rain,
A single splatter on the thirsty sand.
Remember, though, that drops fall not alone,
The products and producers of a grand
Harmony that waters well the plain.

Do not think, then, that you're on your own,
A tiny drop upon a dying land.
You are a storm, whose green fields will remain.

© by Nicholas Gordon

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is quite a force. :-) Pray I am found worthy to be considered to be rain. :-)

I like it you write rhythmically and with with end rhymes. And I wonder how you manage to get five stanzas in each line. That is not easy. You are good.

By the way I write poems myself, but in English as my second language. I have written a short poem with quite the same theme:


Raindrops reading roses ready,
daring dew to diligently
follow function flirting, fairly
bliss by beautify, but bluntly.
