Saturday, February 24, 2018

Thank God for Pendulums

February 24, 2018

Dear Subscriber:

Each week we examine a theme from a variety of points of view. The theme for this week is politics in honor of Presidents Day, which this year was celebrated on February 19th.

Today’s poem is about the constant sweep of the political and social pendulum from right to left.

I welcome comments on my poems at


Nick Gordon

Thank God for pendulums!
Compassion will swing back
Like a corpse on a noose,
And we'll grab it by the knees,
Revive it mouth to mouth.
Faith in people will come back,
And social dreams,
Self-sacrifice and sharing,
While the market crumbles,
Caught in contradictions,
And discos of running dogs and lackeys
Boogie down into the dustbin of history!

Yes, pendulums! Marriage
Till death will come back,
And loving children,
And life once again a fire,
And we its worshippers,
While those who struggle to "succeed"
Cut each other's throats.

Thank God even
That it will swing away again,
Out far out to the dark side
Beyond our most powerful scopes,
Where people crouch like madmen in dark caves,
Chanting slogans we fail to understand.

© by Nicholas Gordon

Hear or watch me recite this poem and listen to the music I chose for it at For more poems about politics, go to .

This week’s theme: Politics
February 21: Fifty-Nine2
February 23: Sixty-Seven
February 24: Thank God for Pendulums

Friday, February 23, 2018


February 23, 2018

Dear Subscriber:

Each week we examine a theme from a variety of points of view. The theme for this week is politics in honor of Presidents Day, which this year was celebrated on February 19th.

Today’s poem is a political number poem for someone who holds on to his political dreams.

I welcome comments on my poems at


Nick Gordon

Sixty-seven is a man of dreams,
Invested purely in what ought to be,
X-ing out the barriers to will
That make it hard to see what one would see.
Yet years need not accomplish much, it seems.

So does his passion sing like dammed-up streams
Enveloping the islands that agree,
Vast armies of the afternoon, who still
Expect their words to keep their honor free,
Needing to sustain what hope redeems.

© by Nicholas Gordon

Hear or watch me recite this poem and listen to the music I chose for it at For more poems about politics, go to .

This week’s theme: Politics
February 21: Fifty-Nine2
February 23: Sixty-Seven

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Need Is Not the Mother of Invention

February 22, 2018

Dear Subscriber:

Each week we examine a theme from a variety of points of view. The theme for this week is politics in honor of Presidents Day, which this year was celebrated on February 19th.

Today’s poem is a political number poem about the true mother of invention.

I welcome comments on my poems at


Nick Gordon

Need is not the mother of invention;
Instead, we trace that energy to greed.
Nor does technology the children feed,
Even as it feeds on that pretension.
The bird is dying as the brigands carve,
Extracting meat from macerated bones.
Eden ought not be dug up for stones,
Nor the millions prosper as the billions starve.

© by Nicholas Gordon

Hear or watch me recite this poem and listen to the music I chose for it at For more poems about politics, go to .

This week’s theme: Politics
February 21: Fifty-Nine2
February 22: Need Is Not the Mother of Invention

Tuesday, February 20, 2018


February 21, 2018

Dear Subscriber:

Each week we examine a theme from a variety of points of view. The theme for this week is politics in honor of Presidents Day, which this year was celebrated on February 19th.

Today’s poem is a political number poem for someone who exposes an unjust status quo.

I welcome comments on my poems at


Nick Gordon

Fifty-nine takes pleasure in exposing
Instruments of everyday oppression,
Fantasies of normalcy sustaining
The brutal oligarchy of possession.
Yet what she does is more than mere expression.

Nor does she care what fat she might be frying
In bold pursuit of media attention,
Nemesis of all who show discretion
Even as they see so many dying.

© by Nicholas Gordon

Hear or watch me recite this poem and listen to the music I chose for it at For more poems about politics, go to .

This week’s theme: Politics
February 21: Fifty-Nine2

The Market Is a Merciless Beast

February 20, 2018

Dear Subscriber:

Each week we examine a theme from a variety of points of view. The theme for this week is politics in honor of Presidents Day, which was celebrated yesterday, February 19th.

Today’s poem is a political poem about the relationship between the market and the heart.

I welcome comments on my poems at


Nick Gordon

The market is a merciless beast,
Bloodstained in tooth and claw,
A superbly crafted predator
Honed well by nature’s law.

Tame it and you’ll get a dog—
Friendly, useful, smart,
Overbred imperfectly,
The flawed result of art.

Which do you choose? The perfect beast
To maximize return?
To set unbiased by the heart
What people pay and earn?

Or the dog, who would prefer
To find some way to please,
And with a trick or two, the pain
Of life’s worst hardships ease?

Oh, yes, the market undisturbed
Works most efficiently.
But do you choose the wilderness
And nature’s cruelty?

Or do you choose the park, where nature,
Guided by the will,
As tame as we, is modified
To spare the weak and ill?

Which is your reflection?
The wild or the tame?
Your answer is a mirror,
Its heart and yours the same.

© by Nicholas Gordon

Hear or watch me recite this poem and listen to the music I chose for it at For more poems about politics, go to .

This week’s theme: Politics
February 20: The Market Is a Merciless Beast

Monday, February 19, 2018

President's Day? Presidents' Day? Or Presidents Day

February 19, 2018

Dear Subscriber:

Each week we examine a theme from a variety of points of view. The theme for this week is politics in honor of Presidents Day, which is celebrated today, February 19th.

Today’s poem is about the proper spelling of Presidents Day.

I welcome comments on my poems at


Nick Gordon

President's Day? Presidents' Day? Or Presidents Day?
Regarding spelling, what's the difference?
Even apostrophes must have their say,
Subtly shading each rendition's sense.
In the first, Washington alone
Deserves the day, the only president
Every state has honored on its own.
Nor does the change of date change what is meant.
The second rendition suggests that Lincoln, too,
Should share the honor, combining holidays
'Tween their birthdays, giving both their due,
Depending on which state such honor pays.
All presidents, too, the second could convey,
Yet the third one must be read that way.

© by Nicholas Gordon

Hear or watch me recite this poem and listen to the music I chose for it at For more poems for Presidents Day, go to .

This week’s theme: Politics
February 19: President’s Day? Presidents’ Day? Or Presidents Day?

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Before Love, That Jolting Lilt

February 18, 2018

Dear Subscriber:

Each week we examine a theme from a variety of points of view. The theme for this week is Valentine’s Day, which is celebrated on February 14th.

Today’s poem is a Valentine’s Day poem about the slow and painful journey into love.

I welcome comments on my poems at


Nick Gordon

Before love, that jolting lilt
East of roses, in perturbed darkness,
Missing the eternal circumstance,
Yearning still, again, for that exploratory tilt.
Vainly would I fly into your heart
Afire, burning, consumed, expended.
Love is not an ending; nor does it end
Easily: becomes pith, becomes seed, starts
Needing, kneading, mid-desperation,
The long climb out of loneliness, turning
In hope, in anguish, in foolish expectation.
No two are joined except in painful learning:
Each frightened lesion closed for restoration.

© by Nicholas Gordon

Hear or watch me recite this poem and listen to the music I chose for it at For more Valentine’s Day poems, go to .

This week’s theme: Valentine’s Day
February 18: Before Love, That Jolting Lilt