Monday, August 19, 2024

Sing of Life That, Though It Has an End

 A philosophical number poem about the experience of eternity within time:

Sing of life that, though it has an end,

Embodies what does not and will be ever,

Viewpoint on eternity that lends

Existence the illusion of forever.

Nor should one fail to recognize this gift

That one shares ultimately with quince and slime:

Years down which one’s little boat may drift,

Taking one through landscapes beyond time.

How beautiful to live and simply be,

Removed from time by love and reverence.

Each moment is a brief eternity;

Each eon also, though not quite so dense.

© by Nicholas Gordon

Audio and Video Music: Chords of Harmony. By Aakash Gandhi. Music free to use at YouTube.

To see this poem on my site, go to sing22.html. For more philosophical poems, go to .

Monday, August 12, 2024

Factor In the Fickleness of Fortune

 A number poem about how best to dream as one gets older:


Factor in the fickleness of fortune

In calculating charts that can be read.

For though the numbers do not lie, the data

Trend towards unknown variables instead.

Yet one must dream, albeit with more caution.


There is no substitute for an equation.

When one’s a certain age, there is less later.

One dreams more wisely as one looks ahead.


© by Nicholas Gordon


Audio and Video Music: Timeless. By Lauren Duski. Music free to use at YouTube.


To see this poem on my site, go to For more number poems, go to .

Monday, August 5, 2024

For What Does One Live, but for Goodness and Beauty


A number poem about the beauty of a life devoted to art:


For what does one live, but for goodness and beauty?

One’s goodness is beauty; one’s beauty is good.

Remember that when what one loves is one’s duty,

To labor brings one all the joy that one would.

Yet this does not always work out as it should.


Fear not the days of frustration and sorrow;

Old wounds reopened, new ones unhealed.

Undaunted by pain, you’ll turn back to tomorrow,

Renewed by the love that sustains your ideal.


© by Nicholas Gordon


Audio and Video Music: White River. By Aakash Gandhi. Music free to use at YouTube.


To see this poem on my site, go to For more poems about a variety of professions, go to .

Monday, July 29, 2024

Seventeen Is Such a Lovely Age

 A number poem about being seventeen:


Seventeen is such a lovely age,

Ever on the edge of something new!

Vested in a multitude of plans,

Even as the calendar commands.

No choice has yet been made that one need rue,

Though soon, perhaps too soon, time turns the page.

Even at this sweet rehearsal stage,

Each must reduce the many to the few,

Needing dreams to comb through tangled strands.


© by Nicholas Gordon


Audio and Video Music: Lifting Dreams. By Aakash Gandhi. Music free to use at YouTube.


To see this poem on my site, go to For more number poems, go to .

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

To Love Is to Be Naked to the Wind

 A love poem about a new romance:


To love is to be naked to the wind,

Holding hands with someone you can’t know.

Invested in a bond that seems secure,

Resisting what seems graceless and less sure,

Trusting in a gift none can bestow,

You turn to one and leave the rest behind.


Nothing is more beautiful or pure,

Innocent, quixotic, gentle, kind.

Nor have you any hint how it will go

Except a will that this romance endure.


© by Nicholas Gordon


Audio and Video Music: Forever Yours. By Wayne Jones. Music free to use at YouTube.


To see this poem on my site, go to For more love poems, go to .

Monday, July 15, 2024

My Heart Is like a Symphony

 A poem, never sent, from a mother to a child whom she was forced to surrender:


My heart is like a symphony
That sings of only pain.
Of all that makes a life worthwhile,
Only you remain.

Only in the thought of you
Safe and cared for well
Can I find happiness within
My self-inflicted hell.

Only in my love for you
Is there sufficient grace
For me to want to live at all
In this forsaken place.

Ah, God! Were life not beautiful
And love not full of light,
I could, perhaps, embrace the rage
Of an embittered night.

But as it is, I cannot help
But hope for what might be:
That though I gave you up, you might
Someday, somehow love me.

© by Nicholas Gordon


Audio and Video Music: E Minor Prelude. By Frederic Chopin. Music free to use at YouTube.


To see this poem on my site, go to For more poems to children, go to .

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Beware of Inequalities Too Wide


A Bastille Day poem about the dangers of allowing inequalities between classes to grow too wide:


Beware of inequalities too wide

And chasms that cannot be bridged by dreams.

Societies fray first along the seams,

Then rip apart, exposing rot inside.

In chaos hopes for liberty abide;

Life in its Edenic newness gleams;

Longing is more brutal than it seems;

Ecstatic demons 'cross the wastelands glide.

Do, then, recall the day of the Bastille

As one whose burst of glory would reveal

Yearnings that would stain the turning tide.


© by Nicholas Gordon


Audio and Video Music: Bittersweet. By SYBS. Music free to use at YouTube.


To see this poem on my site, go to For more Bastille Day poems, go to .