April 3, 2020
Dear Subscriber:
Each week we examine a theme from a variety of points of
view. The theme for this week is foster children and adoption.
I welcome comments on my poems at https://nicholasgordon.blogspot.com
A Father’s Day poem from an adopted child to his or her
adoptive father:
Happiness lies just this side of heartache,
As both are set aflame by one desire.
Perhaps one would best never light that fire,
Pursuing pleasure purely for its own sake.
Yet joy can be as fragile as a snowflake,
Full as oceans, brutal as barbed wire.
All your love is all that you require,
The grace that inundates the granite heartbreak.
How beautiful to take on such a burden,
Entering into contract with the void,
Responsible to some judgmental stranger,
'Ere meeting, for the seedtime of its soul!
Sing, then, of a quest that gains no guerdon,
Dearer far than pleasures now enjoyed,
A journey arduous and full of danger,
Yet sacred for the gift that is its goal.
© by Nicholas Gordon
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it so that it might be seen and enjoyed by others. To see this poem on my site,
go to https://www.poemsforfree.com/happ19.html.
For more poems about foster children and adoption, go to https://www.poemsforfree.com/adoptionpoems.html
This week’s theme: Foster Children and Adoption
4/3: Happiness Lies Just This Side of Heartache