Thursday, November 29, 2007

Poem of the Week

November 29, 2007 #462

Dear Subscriber:

This week’s poem of the week is a poem for the holiday season.

You can hear me read the poem and listen to the music for it at my site by going to and clicking on "Poem of the Week."


Nick Gordon

Holidays are taken best with food
As empty stomachs lead to irritation,
Particularly bad for conversation,
Prone to undermine a festive mood.
Yet holidays with food can often be
Helpful in maintaining a relation,
Offering a timely celebration,
Locus for extended family.
In holidays a temporary junction
Delays eventual disintegration
As generation follows generation,
Years of culinary dedication
Sensing well the beauty of its function.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Poem of the Week

November 22, 2007 #461

Dear Subscriber:

This week’s poem of the week is a Thanksgiving Day poem.

You can hear me read the poem and listen to the music for it at my site by going to and clicking on "Poem of the Week."


Nick Gordon

Thank you for the harvest and the healing,
Health, wealth, hunger, all the goods of Earth,
All that we inherited at birth,
Need, joy, love, pain, grief, desire, feeling.
Know that we are grateful for our being,
Singing silent praises in our hearts,
Giving in the temples of our arts
Invocations to the act of seeing.
Vain though it may be to think you’re hearing,
In us there is an ancient urge to speak,
Not for any answers that we seek,
Glad just to converse—like love, like breathing.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Poem of the Week

November 15, 2007 #460

Dear Subscriber:

This week’s poem of the week is a number poem.

You can hear me read the poem and listen to the music for it at my site by going to and clicking on "Poem of the Week."


Nick Gordon

Fifty-nine takes pleasure in her songs,

In which she finds a mirror for her grace.

For her the morning gathers in the mourning,

Tucking it away where it belongs

Yet making sure it has sufficient space.

Nor does she give regret the pride of place,

Instead preferring tuning forks to tongs,

Needing but the sweetness of her singing,

Elegant and pure, to light her face.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

November 8, 2007 #459

Dear Subscriber:

This week’s poem of the week is a Veterans Day (USA) poem.

You can hear me read the poem and listen to the music for it at my site by going to and clicking on "Poem of the Week."


Nick Gordon

Vets are war’s debris, the wreckage after.
Even as we honor those who died,
The amputees, the traumatized, the drifters
Endure for us the wounds that saved our lives.
Remember them at tax time and when voting;
Allocate what amply meets their needs.
No obligation is more plain or pressing,
Shining like a spotlight on our dreams.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Poem of the Week

October 30, 2007 #458

Dear Subscriber:

This week’s poem of the week is a Halloween poem. I'm sending it out earlier than usual because I will be away this Thursday.

You can hear me read the poem and listen to the music for it at my site by going to and clicking on "Poem of the Week."


Nick Gordon

Horror is a kind of play,
A need to undergo
Life along the borderline,
Lest death be just a name.
On Halloween we dream away
What wailing we well know,
Enchanted by the danger sign
Each savors up and down the spine,
Near haunts that are no game.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Poem of the Week

October 25, 2007 #457

Dear Subscriber:

This week’s poem of the week is a religious poem.

You can hear me read the poem and listen to the music for it at my site by going to and clicking on "Poem of the Week."


Nick Gordon

Note: There have been two recent changes to my site. I have added a fiction section at, and you can now get the poem of the week as a feed rather than as an email. If you would prefer that method of delivery, just click on the feed icon at

People who are certain are a curtain
Draped between the object and the word.
One sees only formulas repeated
Tirelessly, like stones thrown at the wind.

Such faith is evidence of little faith,
For faith knows very well it cannot know.
Doubt becomes a glass through which one sees
A star or two between fast-moving clouds.

A truth will never last as long as Truth,
For truths must be devoured before they melt.
One may believe, of course, but not too tightly;
When one looks, one sees one’s God is free.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Poem of the Week

October 18, 2007 #456

Dear Subscriber:

This week’s poem of the week is an anniversary poem.

You can hear me read the poem and listen to the music for it at my site
by going to and clicking on "Poem of the


Nick Gordon

Forty years of marriage are a pass
On which one rests to see the view both ways,
Remembering the valleys left behind,
Taking in the grandeur just ahead.
Yet there is far too much for one to see.

Years of youth must blend like distant brass
Even as love knots the migrant days
And time blows through the moment like a wind.
Regret and gratitude are here well wed,
So much alike, one could the other be.