Thursday, June 10, 2010

Poem of the Week

June10, 2010 #585
Dear Subscriber:
This week’s poem of the week is a wedding poem.
You can hear me read the poem and listen to the music for it at my site by going to and clicking on "Poem of the Week." 
You can post a comment on the poem or read other comments on it at
Nick Gordon
The bells ring not for just these two
Who will be joined in love today.
They also ring for me and you.
And not just for the families who
Now celebrate, as well they may.
The bells ring not for just these, too.
And not just those who know or knew
These families well, who came their way.
They also ring for me and you.
And not just those who came to view
The bride, the gown, the whole array.
The bells ring not for just these, too.
And not just those whose love is true,
Or those who would their doubts allay.
They also ring for me and you.
For all are joined in love, and do
Rejoice to hear the sweet bells play!
The bells ring not for just these two.
They also ring for me and you.
© by Nicholas Gordon

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